This is Sizzling Leads 🔥You'll Be Getting Warm B2B Intros from Cold Emails?!

This should be your POV:

  • I think warm intros are a solid acquisition channel
  • My inbox is flocked with emails from random dudes
  • I wonder... which companies they've connections with
  • I might be able to ask for an intro if a company is relevant
  • Nah, I don't have time to research random dudes
  • But... there could be a company that might be my ICP...
  • Am I losing potential sales by overlooking those who already reaching out to me?
  • Hmmm....

Here's the deal:

People with close connections to your ICP already reaching out to you via cold emails. Why not ask them for a warm intro? This is an overlooked and unsaturated acquisition channel. It's a Biz Dev Gold!

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You're inboxes is already packed...

... with people and agencies who wanna sell you something. Every day a bunch of new cold emails.
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Instead of ignroing them...

... what if you could levegege that and ask for warm B2B intros from them? Since all of those people have some sort of connections with companies that could be your ideal customers.
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You can figure out...

... what companies they've worked with that could be relevant to you and then just reply back to their email asking for a warm intro in exchange for considering their offer or giving them referral to other founders.

We help you see connections of cold emailers - with just a hover

You can easily hover over someone’s email to see the relevant companies they’ve worked for—no need to open it. 

This quick check can help you decide whether to reply or ask for a warm intro, all in under a min. 

Here’s how our extension works:

  • Step illustration
    Install the extension - no need to sign up
  • Step illustration
    Select industry to only see relevant companies - saving you time
  • Step illustration
    Hover over emails to see connections - you can click to see the website of each company
  • Step illustration
    If relevant, reply back asking for a warm intro in exchange for a referral from your side
Built on Unicorn Platform